Sunday, 30 August 2015

Weekend in Canberra

After a Friday night drive to Uncle Jim and Aunty Anne's place in Canberra, the boys had got ready for bed when they discovered that Craig and Graham had left their beloved sleep companions (soft toy pandas) at home. Fortunately, Aunty Anne was quick to the rescue with Winnie the Pooh for Graham and a red panda for Craig.

On Saturday morning Graham preferred to wait in this car while Uncle Jim did some shopping.

Then there was sight-seeing at a couple of lookouts. First was Shepherds Lookout. Pictured below is Craig at Red Hill Lookout the second one they visited that day.

Lunch was fish and chips. Graham waited quite patiently.

And then everyone ate their lunch super-fast because they were starving hungry.

After lunch they went to the National Museum of Australia. Craig and Graham tried on shackles that were similar to those worn by convicts many years ago.

Graham also found a cartoon movie to watch.

Back at Uncle Jim and Aunty Anne's place there was popcorn and a movie.

On Sunday morning they went to a local park to kick a ball around.

Graham preferred to swing. The ball was a bit big and hard for his little feet.

Then, they went to watch old men (over-35s) play football.

Craig and Graham found other games to play, the way most little boys do.

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