Sunday, 9 August 2015

Sunday Trip to Clontarf Reserve

Sunday was a beautiful day, too good to waste by staying indoors. What could be better than a trip to Clontarf Reserve for a barbecue.

The first thing Craig and Graham did after arriving was go climbing and sliding in the playground.

There's plenty of stuff to climb on.

Craig enjoys the climbing.

 There's also a couple of good slides.

Sean just sat around soaking up the sun.

When it was time to cook lunch, Sean manned the barbecue. He's getting used to Aussie life quite quickly.

They had prawns on a stick and chicken kebabs plus sausages in bread rolls.

It was a bit cool in the shade at the picnic table so everyone moved into the sun.

That allowed a kookaburra to swoop down and steal a bread roll off the picnic table! There wasn't much left by the time a photo was taken.

No matter, the sun was warm and the weather stayed beautiful.

There was also a good game of soccer. Craig and Mum against Sean and Dad but no one took any photos.

On the way home they stopped to look at the view of Sydney Heads from Tania Park atop Dobroyd Point.

As soon as they got back home a lorikeet came to the kitchen window to remind people he hadn't been fed all day! Craig was very quick to remedy the situation.

Then Craig settled down to watch Peppa Pig while waiting for dinner.


  1. I'm liking that towel or whatever it is in the background of that last photo of Craig there. Good stuff!

  2. It is indeed a towel. Towels don't dry very well in our bathroom so they sometimes get hung on dining chairs. The montrosity in the photo belongs to Sean. He's gone over to the Dark Side.
