Sunday, 25 October 2015


Almost everyone remembers their first bicycle.

Graham's first bicycle looks a lot like Craig's old one with new training wheels. :)

After just a few hundred metres, Graham was actually pretty happy about getting off and doing some climbing.

But, he got back on and went for quite a long ride. The total distance covered was about 3 kilometres. Pretty good for a little guy who doesn't know how to use the brakes, yet. Dad had to run alongside to provide stopping power.

As the ride went on, he improved vastly at pedaling and steering. The return half of the ride was very smooth. The path has a few ups and downs but then there's a long straight flat bit at Dee Why Oval.

Graham even became casual enough to look at the camera while riding!

There's no photos of Craig because he was too fast! He kept speeding ahead where Dad's camera couldn't see him. Back at home, the lorikeets were hungry!

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