Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Scene of the Crime

Many years ago when Sean was a little tyke he was taken to a tiny zoo called Cooberrie Park. It wasn't one of the happiest days of his life because a cockatoo bit him and ripped off a thumbnail. So, taking him back again more than 10 years later was bound to bring back memories.

Fortunately, Sean wasn't fazed. He's much bigger now. He can feed kangaroos while making ducks wait their turn.

There are plenty of peacocks in Cooberrie.

Sean continued to get up close to some quite tame wildlife.

In fact, Sean's job was to distract the animals away from Craig and Graham. The two little boys were quite worried about live animals getting up close. They preferred sleeping koalas behind wire.

If a non-Australian asks, How can you tell the difference between a male and female kangaroo? I usually say that the males are the bigger ones.

Craig and Graham didn't have any fun at all with the anmials. Then, when they got into their swimmers to play in the pool a storm arrived!

It only rained for about 45 minutes. Sean and Craig spent most of that time sitting around waiting for the rain to stop.

Graham huddled in a towel under an umbrella trying to stay warm.

The peacocks are supposed to stay out of the barbecue area but post-lunch pickings are too tempting for them.

This is just a typical Cooberrie scene: peacock and kangaroos with emus behind the fence in the background.

Sean was good enough to pose in front of the cockatoo cage just before it was time to go.

Cooberrie closes at 3pm. On the way home a stop was made at a playground beside the north end of the main beach of Yeppoon.

The playground is made for kids Graham's age.

Craig tried to get into the spirit of it but most of the things to play on were a bit small for him.

Graham had a lot of fun in the playground, ten times as much as he had back at Cooberrie Park.

He refused to leave the playground and had to be carried out by his impatient father just when he thought he could stay forever. Sadly for the little boy, Dad had to get back to Grandad's house to cook dinner.

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